2012年3月17日 星期六





2011年8月6日 星期六



2011年8月4日 星期四


Data-driven decision making in K-12 schools

    "Information is the key to holding schools accountable for improved performance every year among every student group. Data is our best management tool. I often say that what gets measured, gets done. If we know the contours of the problem, and who is affected, we can put forward a solution. Teachers can adjust lesson plans. Administrators can evaluate curricula. Data can inform decision-making. Thanks to No Child Left Behind, we're no longer flying blind." - Margaret Spellings, U. S. Secretary of Education.
    The need for better decision making in our nation's schools has grown in tandem with the rise in standards-based reform and performance accountability systems. "After years of exhorting and cajoling schools to improve, policymakers have decided to get tough" (National Education Association, Teaching and Learning Team, July 2000). Under the requirements of the No Child Left Behind legislation, school districts are required to test students, collect performance data and use that data to identify strengths and weaknesses in their educational system. Schools that do not demonstrate adequate yearly progress (AYP) will be identified as needing improvement and subject to immediate interventions. Most often educators talk about the punitive uses of data to improve instruction. Since the passage of No Child Left Behind legislation, Washington state's educators have consistently heard that poor scores on state or national tests equal failure, and persistent failure equals intervention. Few educators or educational leaders seem to be able to articulate how they might use data in a more positive or effective way to improve teaching and learning. The use of data in education remains an elusive concept and skill, yet the path to using data in making decisions is not out of reach or difficult to implement.

2011年7月30日 星期六



2011年7月21日 星期四

目標管理(Management by Objectives,MBO)


    目標管理(Management by Objectives,MBO)─由Peter Drucker於1954年在「管理的實踐」一書中所提出,主張經由主管與當事人的討論,以溝通和連結的方式讓組織的目標由上而下與員工的工作目標相環扣,使組織上下努力的方向與組織目標一致。同時,員工會將注意力與資源投入在這些工作目標上,主管也會將焦點投入在確保員工達成目標的使命,由員工自我控制與自我管理,將時間集中在規劃、領導與解決問題等較具貢獻的地方,無需進行太多的例行性人員管理和監督。此理論完全基於以成果為績效導向、參與式管理和員工自我控制(Y理論)的管理哲學。